Tuesday, July 31, 2007


It's official. I am 42 years old. Feeling really old. Starting hot flashes...honestly! Aches and pains and just feeling rather frumpy. Going to try to stay out of the birthday funk I find myself falling into. I share my birthday with my mother-in-law (God rest her soul), Helen Chiesa (a friend of my grandmother's who died a few years ago), former co-worker Charlotte Austin, J.K. Rowling (author), and HARRY POTTER! Harry's 17 years old today. I could be his mother. (UGH!) Here's to the best Leo's in the world! It's also a full moon...freaky.

Thanks to all who have remembered my birthday and know how special I think birthdays are. (At least mine is!) Thanks for making up for my husband who will forget and then run to Kroger to buy me a mushy card. I have no plans for the day, but hope to talk Ben into going out to lunch and a movie since Alan's working.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Lost MP3, The Wiz, and The Creation Museum

Okay, lost my MP3 player. SO BUMMED. I had it on Saturday morning. It was in the van. I wound the headphones around it, and set it down. It's the last I saw of it. Two things could have happened: it fell out of the van when I dropped Colin off at the outlet mall or it fell into the garbage bag I threw into the garbage can at the outlet mall. Either way, never to be seen again. I did go back to the outlet and inquired about it. Even looked in the trash can, but it had been emptied. I know that if it dropped out of the van, someone picked it up and has a really nice MP3 player in a nice case with really nice headphones with some really great Christian music (Jeremy Camp, Steven Curtis Chapman, Amy Grant, Godspell) and podcasts. Maybe it's a God thing, it might bring someone to the Lord. Now I am lost without it! I won't be able to replace it until the Lumina sells.

Ben and I are going to see The Wiz tonight. It should be good! Ease on down, ease on down the road!

We were supposed to go to the Creation Museum tomorrow. My sister-in-law's mother-in-law's church is going, and we were going to tag along. My friend, Jodi, told me that there has been an average of a 3 hour wait on weekends. I hate crowds! So I have decided not to go with them and go during the week when it's not so crowded. I can't wait to see it, though.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Movies and Such

Ben and I just finished watching "Everyone's Hero." What a great movie! It came out last September, but we never had a chance to see it. We borrowed it from the library and have to return it tomorrow, so I told Ben we had to watch it. Glad we did. Found out that Christopher Reeve (aka Superman) was the director/producer and died during filming. His wife, Dana, was also a producer and was the voice of the mother. She died during post production. How sad! We went on imdb to check out other trivia and to figure out who voiced what character (I use this website for every movie I see). Once Ben found out that Will Reeve, their son (who's now 15) didn't have his parents, he asked, "I wonder who he lives with?" Well, sure enough, in his biography it says that he and his mother arranged for him to live with a friend and his family after the death of his mother. Wow. And then Ben starts asking about what would happen if we died...I hate this conversation! It happens every so often, and Ben will get all sad thinking about the possibility of us dying and leaving him.

We also saw Ratatouille and Transformers at the drive in last night. Both were great movies. We are just movie junkies, I guess. Leads me to make a running list of movies I've seen...but maybe tomorrow. I am still recuperating from the drive in last night, I mean this morning. Long story, but suffice it to say that I need to learn how to jump cars with the cables I keep faithfully in my van. One cannot rely on men to help a woman in distress.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Harry Potter

Got myself a borrowed copy of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. (Thanks, Pete, for sharing and being such a speed reader!) I might not come up for air until I'm done. But why does it have to be so dang blasted long? 759 pages!

I'll take a break tomorrow night to go see Ratatouille and Transformers at the Drive-in with Ben and his cousin Quinn. Anyone care to join us? I might even talk Alan into going!

Okay, off to read until I pass out.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Camping Fun

We went camping this weekend with Alan's sister and her family. It was a great weekend! We went to Morgan's Riverside Campgrounds, the same place we went last August with the Sextons. Our campsite was large, grassy, and had a close porta-potty. The kids had a great time playing in the river, and we also tried to canoe on Saturday. We had the 4 of us plus Buckeye in the canoe, and it was just too heavy. We were dragging a lot! Halfway through Ben and I got out (at the campsite) and Alan and Colin continued on the remaining 3 miles without us. They had a great time. The weather was nice, not too hot, and it only rained for a bit this morning while we were still sleeping. Now for the yucky part, packing everything back up where it belongs in the garage and LAUNDRY...ugh. We're going to be camping next month with Jodi, Ron and Perry Sexton for the 2nd annual Cunningham/Sexton (or is it Sexton/Cunningham?) camp out. We're going to try Morgan's campgrounds in Brookeville, IN, this time. It comes highly recommended. I am definitely not canoeing. I'll keep watch over the campsite and read a book while they're gone!

Friday, July 13, 2007

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Happy Birthday

Well, I survived the 15th birthday party. A bunch of sweaty teenage boys, 4 pizzas, lots of pop, a lot of noise, 2 1/2 dozen donuts, a gallon of milk, but I survived. Ben took the first piece of cake, so Colin grabbed it, smashed it in Ben's face, then Ben got Colin right back. Reminds me of my wedding day.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


My baby is 15 today. Well, not until 12:45 PM, but I did go into labor right about now (1:00 AM). I still remember it vividly...contraction...get up and pee (which was a huge feat with me 9 months pregnant getting out of a waterbed!)...fall asleep...wake up to another contraction...get up and pee...this continued until I finally realized it was time to call the doctor. She didn't seem to be to concerned and thought I could wait a bit longer, you know, take a shower, pack, etc. We got down to the hospital that doesn't exist anymore (Bethesda Oak in Cincinnati), get checked in, get an exam, and guess what? That little shit is in breech position. All those birthing classes for nothing! So Colin Alan Cunningham was born C-section by Dr. Richard Valido on July 10, 1992. Now he's taller than me and would rather hang with his friends than be with his mom (unless I am buying him something!) His party is tonight- a bunch a teenage boys hanging out. Gone are the days of organized games and party favors.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Scrapping Maniac

I have been in scrapping mode lately. One of the great things about being off summer break is catching up on unfinished projects: quilting, sewing, reading, and scrapbooking. I set up my craft area in the family room facing the TV. I have completed 26 pages so far! Now that's for things from Oct. 06 to present. Still not done. And I would need a whole year's sabbatical to work on the years before. Heck, I need to just organize my pictures so I have them all in one place! I am now taking a break from scrapping to work on a sewing project for Stitches. I'd like to have it done for Saturday when I work so then I can focus again on scrapping (I'd like to do our Disney trip from 3 years ago!) and reading the new Stephanie Plum novel Lean Mean Thirteen which I have from the library. Okay, off to sew!