Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Snow day!

Ben and the first Polar Bear Club of '07

Cincinnati finally got hit with snow. First the bitter cold for several days and now the snow. At least 6" yesterday! The boys and I don't have school today. Actually, my district canceled yesterday since we already had an hour delay due to the cold, then the storm was supposed to hit at 1-2 PM, so they were smart and canceled the whole day! Thank you, Superintendent Price, for thinking of the poor teachers who have to deal with delays, early releases and drives home in the blustery snow I am so glad I didn't have to deal with that! The boys got home an hour early, and I'm glad they did. The snow started at noon and didn't stop until about 6! The boys played in it all afternoon! I caught up with movies, podcasts, and laundry. What fun!

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