Wednesday, February 28, 2007


I need to vent. Just got my February electric bill. I nearly had a cow when January's bill was $230, but after a long very frigid spell we racked up a $386 electric bill (Thank God we don't have gas!) I am going to puke! I even turned the thermostat down even lower than usual, and we were pretty chilled around here. I swear I can't win. Just when we get our taxes back and I think we can get AHEAD, this has to happen! I have been getting on the boys (all three of them) for not turning off lights, TVs, etc. I have thought of some de-merit system where they get penalized for every light/TV they leave on. They can't even turn the dang bathroom light off, and I am not even going to start about the TV that's left on 24/7 in the "Man Cave" formerly known as Possum Lodge. I cannot wait for spring, and then I am turning the furnace OFF, I don't care how cold it gets! ARGH!

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