Thursday, January 4, 2007

All is Well

Mom got through her surgery fine. Thank You, God! The last time I spoke with Dad she was sleeping and on morphine for the pain. Bless her heart. I can't wait until I can see her. I will be leaving on Saturday after Ben's first Upwards basketball game at noon.

I went to the Beth Moore Bible study. It's called Daniel, Lives of Integrity, Words of Prophecy. It's going to be intense, that's for sure. Just getting the study book was intense! Jodi and I were able to reserve a copy at her church's bookstore, and he mom is picking them up tomorrow. During her 1 hour video yesterday she talked about giving something up for 6 weeks, and although that may sound so difficult, Catholics do it every year for Lent! So it's a not a big deal for me. I think I will give up something that I usually don't give up for Lent, but when I know it's for God, I can do it.

I am off to return the PJs Alan bought me for Christmas. Too small. Hopefully they'll have something I can exchange it for. I have always been a nightgown kind of girl. Guess it comes from getting a nightgown from Gramma every year for Christmas. We still do, even after all these years. Only one year, when I was in 7th grade, she gave us $20 instead. I bought a pair of Levi's that I wore at least 2x a week. Loved those things! (We could never afford Levi's growing up, so these were pretty special!) Anyway, I bought a pair of Big Dog flannel PJs for a scrapbooking getaway a few months ago, and now I am in love with PJs! So I do hope Kohl's has a pair that will actually fit my fat butt.

Thank You, God, for taking care of Mom.

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