Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween

Snap! I forgot to take pictures! That's a first: no pictures of my boys on Beggar's Night. Colin went as a "wigger" (don't ask) and Ben went as some green faced skeleton thing. It was a beautiful autumn night. No rain, no snow, just a lovely evening! Great news! Colin tried out for and was "offered a position" on the Comp 2 team (whatever that means) for select soccer. We got the call today!!! He's so excited, and rightfully so. He' s been playing soccer since he was 4, and I think he's a pretty good player. he's actually getting better with age: more aggressive, more hustle, a good team player. They won't be sorry they "offered" him a position. We're getting a kick out of that term: usually you hear "You made the team." Nope, with select soccer you get "offered a position on the team"!! It's been a long week, as we were supposed to get a call on Sunday evening or Monday, but since we had no call as of Tuesday afternoon I called the coordinator and asked. He assured me Colin was on a team, but he didn't have him on his list of kids to call and that he should expect a call from the other guy who was making the hundreds of calls for all the teams: girls and boys, all age groups. So as of 4ish today it's official. This is all new to me. I think I may have to get a second job or mortgage the house in order to finance this, though. We're talking matching sweat suits, bags, spirit wear, traveling to tournaments... I am so used to SAY soccer which is recreational and costs $50. The kids get a t-shirt and socks. No frills, but we like it!
Happy Birthday to Mom, a whopping 69 today!!

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