Sunday, October 14, 2007

Camping Fun

Ben and I went camping this weekend at Hueston Woods in Oxford, OH, with Ron, Jodi, and Perry Sexton. It was supposed to be a family camp-out, but Colin was being a moody teenager and refused to go, even for just the day after his soccer game yesterday. Alan decided grudgingly that he should stay home instead of coming up himself. Colin was to stay at a friend's house, but just to be safe...

We had the best time! Hueston Woods sure knows how to put on a Halloween party! There was so much to do! The weather was perfect for fall. Friday night and Saturday morning were very chilly, but Saturday day and night were just right. Although Ben and I had a great time, I wish A and C would have been there to share it with us. Ben said it was the best camping trip ever!

There was Trick-or-Treating on Saturday night. I was "prepared" for the event with about 150 pieces of candy, much more than I have needed at home the last couple of years. I was out of candy in the first 10 minutes! No joke! Jodi and I resorted to pennies, nickels, and dimes until they were all out. There were so many cute costumes, including this darling little Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz.

Ben and Perry had a lot of fun, too. Ben spent a lot of time on Saturday whittling...

or napping...
Here is a picture of Ben and Perry before Trick-or-Treating.
This is the last "real" camping trip of the year. November we will be camping at Cub World in the castle, and those are bunk rooms, so it's not real camping! But all in all, that will make 5 camping trips in 2007. Not bad for someone who would rather reserve a room at the Holiday Inn!

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