Saturday, August 11, 2007

iPod Fever

Well, I had to do it. I couldn't wait. I had to replace my lost MP3 player. This time I splurged for the real McCoy...a bright pink iPod nano. As much as I wanted the Product (red) one that helps the people in Africa, it was $50 more than the pink refurbished one I ordered. So I had to save money and get the pink one. Pink's okay. I don't have to worry about Colin stealing it! Shout out to big sister, Jo, who sent me a cover for it and to Jodi for suggesting the refurbished model that's $50 cheaper. I have been spending the evening getting every song on the computer onto the iPod as well as downloading all kinds of CDs. It's a 4G, so it holds tons of music. Boston, Elton John, Kenny Loggins, Beaches Soundtrack, Jeremy Camp, Amy Grant, Veggietales (yep, had to get the Larry Boy rap on there!), Chicago, Backstreet Boys, the Jets, and a bunch of podcasts that I need to catch up on. Still waiting to sell the Lumina, but as soon as it sells I will pay back the credit card. I just couldn't wait anymore.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you got one!! Enjoy it!!!I tried to get your deadbeat husband to get you one. Now, I'm just gonna come over there, kick his backside, and carry you away.