Friday, March 30, 2007


Not sure why someone would bring himself to commit suicide. Have never been able to understand the senselessness of it. Don't people wonder how their actions will affect other people, especially those who love and care for them? My sister's father-in-law committed suicide this morning in Myrtle Beach. With a gun. Mark, my BIL, got the phone call. Madonna, my sister, found out while at school. Their two sons found out while at school. What news to find out that your father, father-in-law, grandpa didn't think enough of himself or his life or the people who love him to do this. Now my sister and her family have to drive to SC (no flights out from Pitts) and deal with the mess, and I mean MESS with a capital M. Not only funeral mess, but family mess and blood and guts mess. (I know that's gross to think about, but what they don't show you on TV is that someone has to clean it up.) That family is quite dysfunctional, complete with disowning each other, not speaking for years to each other, and all kids of crap (there are other brothers, too). My 18 year old nephew, Zack, is the executer of the will. What responsibilities he'll have to deal with all this. Please pray for Mark, Madonna, Korey, and Zack as they deal with the death of Mr. Mullin. No one should have to experience this! The death of a loved one is hard enough, but the tragic, senseless death of a 70-something man is incomprehensible.

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